Brocante à la Giraudière le 12 et 13 août

En 2022 il a été décidé de créer un jour de vente pour dégager une partie des marchandises qui s’étaient accumulées au cours des vingt dernières années à la Giraudière. La vente s’est bien déroulée et nous a incité à organiser à nouveau un événement de vente de deux jours le 12 et 13 août.

Des bénévoles venant d’un peu partout dans le monde ont aidé à créer cet événement. Cette année, des bénévoles de Norvège, de France, de Russie, des Etats-Unis, d’Allemagne, du Danmark, d’Ecosse et de Colombie nous ont aidé.


La Giraudière à 1km de Brossac

Vente sur deux jours le week-end du 12/13 août 2023

Electroménagers, Meubles, Articles ménagers- Vaisselle- Couverts- Casseroles, Livres de jeux, Matériel de sport / Camping, Tableaux- Estampes- Tableaux Antiquités et objets vintage (collection DVD, CD, vinyles,disques, articles de noël, poêle à bois,véhicules…)


Plus d’informations sur

Téléphone: 05 45 98 69 93 ou 06 37 12 02 76

Places disponibles à 3 euros le mètre pour les deux jours de vente, camping-cars acceptés.

Téléphonez au 05 45 98 69 93 ou 06 37 12 02 76 pour réserver votre place.

La braderie de brossac a son propre site internet ouvert à tous à visiter à la braderie de brossac

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Brocante à La giraudière le 12 et 13 août 2023

En 2022 il a été décidé de créer un jour de vente pour dégager une partie des marchandises qui s’étaient accumulées au cours des vingt dernières années à la Giraudière. La vente s’est bien déroulée et nous a incité à organiser à nouveau un événement de vente de deux jours le 12 et 13 août.

Des bénévoles venant d’un peu partout dans le monde ont aidé à créer cet événement. Cette année, des bénévoles de Norvège, de France, de Russie, des Etats-Unis, d’Allemagne, du Danmark, d’Ecosse et de Colombie nous ont aidé.


La Giraudière à 1km de Brossac

Vente sur deux jours le week-end du 12/13 août 2023

Electroménagers, Meubles, Articles ménagers- Vaisselle- Couverts- Casseroles, Livres de jeux, Matériel de sport / Camping, Tableaux- Estampes- Tableaux Antiquités et objets vintage (collection DVD, CD, vinyles,disques, articles de noël, poêle à bois,véhicules…)


Plus d’informations sur

Téléphone: 05 45 98 69 93 ou 06 37 12 02 76

Places disponibles à 3 euros le mètre pour les deux jours de vente, camping-cars acceptés.

Téléphonez au 05 45 98 69 93 ou 06 37 12 02 76 pour réserver votre place.

La braderie de brossac a son propre site internet ouvert à tous à visiter à la braderie de brossac

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Volunteers set up Brocante

Brocante at La Giraudiere 12th and 13th August 2023

In 2022 it was decide to create a sales day in order to clear some of the goods which had accumalated over the last twenty years at La Giraudiere. The sale went well and as inspired us to yet again hold a two day sale event on the 12 and 13 th of August.

Global volunteers help create 2023 brocante

Volunteers and interns from around the world have helped create this event. This year volunteers from Norway, France, Russia, USA, Germany, Denmark, England, Scotland, Columbia have all helped

brocant brossac charente

Vendors and Exposants

Places available at the price of 3 euros per meter for the two day event, camper vans welcomed. Telephone 05 45 98 69 93 or 06 37 12 02 76 to reserve your place.

Brossac braderie has its own website which is open to all to visit at Brossac Braderie

Posted in Braderie, Brocants, Community Event, Culture, Events, France, Time out, Vide Grenier | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Volunteers Braderie

Volunteers from Denmark and New Zealand helping out at La Giraudiere and one of their first tasks is the re-opening of the Brossac Braderie or Vide Maison at La Giraudiere.

volunteers braderie

Their work includes preparation of the braderie for our visitors and also the preparation of the website for the Braderie. The on-site work includes the creation of signs and posters for the local community so they can find us.

Braderie reopens in brossac

The website was born last year in 2022 but now needs promotion. This work involves publishing new products, blog posting and using social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get our products and posts indexed by the search engines.

Esme from New Zealand has published new travel guides and products in the book category of the braderie and then wrote a post about these books titled Experience France Travelling.

Whilst Caroline from Denmark also wrote about a book titled Making History which is about The Power of Time Travel. To promote the new products she then wrote a post titled The Power of Time Travel

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Volunteers Arrive in France

As a new season begins at La Giraudiere, volunteers have begun to arrive gradually from all around the world. First volunteer to arrive comes from Germany. A few days later another volunteer arrived from Denmark. A short time later another two volunteers arrived on the same day, one from New Zealand and the other from America.

Esme born in New Zealand chooses La Giraudiere for her first Volunteer abroad experience on her first day here she helping with photos for the Brossac Braderie. Esme hopes to improve her French during her 4 week stay.

Carolina was the secound volunteere to arrive for 2023 spring program just in time to take part in the Monday morning visit to Chalais market. Carolina states she tasted the best Hummus ever during her visit to the market.

Marek from the USA arrives at La Giraudiere following an internship he carried out in Italy. Marek immediately dives into the work at La Giraudiere helping with the creation of the Brossac Braderie. Because of the variety of chores on offer, La Giraudiere became the prime target of his solo trip to Europe. Marek is hoping to increase his knowledge of building skills whether it be building a house or a website.

Valentina from Germany arrived four days ago and was the first volunteer for the Spring Group 2023. This is the last trip abroad prior to entering the working world. Valentina immediately took on the task of cleaning some of the bicycles and testing them by visiting the local lakes.

Valentina seen in this photos dealing with enquiries from around the world
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