Another Departure of a Volunteer at La Giraudière

Another Departure of a Volunteer at La Giraudière

Today at La Giraudière, we yet again had to wave goodbye to a long-time volunteer, Christine. This was Christine’s fourth stay at La Giraudière, so it’s certainly not her first farewell to this place, but we will still miss her dearly.

During her time here as a volunteer, Christine has helped out with every task available at La Giraudière, from gardening to shopping to housekeeping to accounting. In addition to all of the above, she has also many a time acted as chauffeur for the many volunteers at La Giraudière.

Christine says that she enjoyed sharing the French experience with others, and greatly valued the experience she gained from accounting and gardening. For her, the volunteer experience was overall a pleasant and magnificent sejour.

Volunteer Christine with her certificate

Volunteer Christine with her certificate

We have enormously appreciated the extended contributions Christine has made to this program – not only through her tireless work, but also through her positive energy that encouraged others around her and her dedication to whichever task was at hand. We hope that Christine will return again soon for her fifth stay at La Giraudière, and wish her the very best wherever she travels to next.

About La Giraudiere

The whole idea of the La Giraudiere project is for people of all backgrounds, all ages, all nationalities to have the chance to live together learn about each others lifestyle exchange their knowledge, experiences and skills whilst living and working together in France and at the same time helping, improving and adding to the Project for those to come in the future. To see the different types of volunteers work that has been done and what is still required visit our website
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